Why White Spots Appear on the Teeth | Mediumspot

Why White Spots Appear on the Teeth

The look of white spots on the teeth can be related to many different factor and it is convenient to know which are the following to start the appropriate treatment that help to have a beautiful dental aesthetic. This type of injury can be due to the affection of affections in the childhood to the excessive consumption of fluorine, to the demineralization of the teeth or to the presence of cavities. Your treatment will be one or the other depending on what the underlying factor or problem is, so the dentist must first find the exact cause and then establish an accurate diagnosis. If you would like to answer the question of why white spots appear on your teeth, pay attention to the article in which we explain it in detail.

Elevated Fever during Tooth Formation

The white spots on the baby teeth may be due in some cases to the suffering of certain diseases that can cause high fever in the child during the process of tooth shape.

The dental enamel usually begins to form when the baby is about 8 months and during this period, it is possible that the child suffers diseases such as rubella, chickenpox, or measles, which generates a fairly high fever, which can get in the way proper production of calcium and the appearance of small white spots on the teeth.

In this case, the spots should not be cause for great concern, since the milk teeth will end up diminishing to give means to the final teeth. Anyway, it is advisable to remain attentive to the process of leaving the teeth and go to the doctor in case of observing any abnormality or alteration in the oral cavity of the child.


One of the main causes of white spots on the teeth is called fluorosis, an anomaly in the oral cavity originated, as the name implies, by an excess of fluoride. Excessive intake of this mineral usually occurs in children who have not yet had teeth, but this condition, though not very common, can also occur in adult.

While there is an extra of fluorine, the tooth cannot absorb it perfectly, so it produces the formation of deposits of this mineral that give rise to the appearance of these white spots.

Among the most common causes of fluorosis, we have identified those listed below –

  • In some regions of the world, water contains a large amount of fluoride, so if swallowed during the development period, children may have stained tooth enamel.
  • Use toothpaste and fluoride mouth rinses in children. It is important that children brush their teeth with toothpaste specially designed for them.
  • To consume in excess the foods that contains fluorine and exceeds the recommended daily doses of this mineral.

Descaling of the Teeth

The demineralization or decalcification of the teeth produced as a result of breast-feeding can also lead to the appearance of white spots. This is especially observed in those cases in which the mother breastfeeds the child for too long.

They occur because mother milk has a high concentration of sugars, which produce lactic acid and, therefore, increase the pH of saliva. And always remain in the oral cavity can cause porosity in the child’s teeth and contribute to the loss of calcium. For this reason and to avoid cavities of the suction type, it is important to control breastfeeding once the first teeth begin to emerge.

Other factors that can lead to the disqualification of teeth in adulthood are the following:

  • Nutritional deficiencies.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Having acid reflux.
  • Consume many foods and beverages with high acid content.
  • Bad oral hygiene or brushing too aggressively.

An Initial Sign of Tooth Decay

Another reply to the question of why white spots look on the teeth is the presence of decay. Dentists point out that this type of whitish lesions on the teeth can be a sign of initial caries, so it is advisable to consult the best dentist in Malviya Nagar Jaipur as soon as possible to prevent progress.

When decay happens, it demineralizes the tooth enamel, which lose the light reflection and shines with a whiter shade. In this case, the lesions are usually seen closer to the gums and have a crescent shape. In addition to going to the dentist, it is important to carry out a good oral hygiene routine and take into account the measures we showed in the article how to prevent cavities to always have strong and healthy teeth.

White Spots on the Teeth with Orthodontics

On the other hand, although orthodontics do not cause white spots on the teeth, people who wear orthotics and do not perform an appropriate oral cleansing can also present them.

By not cleaning all the areas well, it is possible that the bacterial plaque accumulates under the bands of the brackets, which leads to a slight demineralization in the teeth and, therefore, to the observation of spots or white lines in the teeth. Remove the devices. In this case, the lesions can only be perceived once the brackets have been removed and will need to be treated at that time.

How to Remove White Spots on the Teeth

The treatment to be followed to eliminate white spots on the teeth will be different depending on the cause.

In the case that they are caused by disqualification, it is necessary to put yourself in the hands of a dentist as soon as possible to prevent them from darkening, becoming rough and favoring the formation of cavities.

To avoid them, it is very important to perform good oral hygiene, brush your teeth after every meal and floss, and follow a diet rich in nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D.

This article is simply informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any kind of diagnosis. We recommend that you visit the best dental clinic in Malviya Nagar Jaipur, in the event of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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