What are Kidney Stones and How to Avoid Them? | Mediumspot

What are Kidney Stones and How to Avoid Them?

What are Kidney Stones and How to avoid them

Kidney stone or as they are known in medical terms as nephrolithiasis are the deposits of minerals and salt compound inside the kidney. Kidney stones even though are formed in kidney but can be lodged to another part of the urinary tracts like bladder and ureter.

There, it can cause injuries to these organs causing pain and bleeding. If recognized in early stage or is small enough a kidney stone never causes permanent damage. But if the stone is big it can get struck into urinary tract leading to obstructed urinationand infection which might require surgical interventions.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones:

Moreover,a kidney stone is considered as silent ailment as it doesn’t createa symptom until it is large enough to causea blockage. Once the stoneis passedon to ureter, the intensity of pain and magnification of symptom increases. Presence of the following symptoms may indicate kidney stones:

  1. Intolerable pain inside of the pelvis radiating to back, sometimes over the tip of the shoulder.
  2. High-intensity gripping pain in the groin region
  3. Painful urination
  4. Badsmell in urine
  5. Blood in urine or brown colored urine
  6. Nausea and vomiting with fever which is indicative of infection
  7. Increase the intensity of urination, with an all-time desire to pee

Once the kidney stone moves downwards and causes pain, this pain is considered one of the most excruciating pain known, this may often change positions, change in intensity due to the movement of the stone.

In cases where there are chances of developing kidney stones or have a tendency to increase the size of the current stone, then the best urologist will recommend you few advise in terms of diet and regime which you can follow to protect your kidney and save yourself from surgery. So let us see at some of them.

  1. Avoid calcium-rich diet

If you already have a calcium stone or anyone in the family has it then you are predisposed for excessive accumulation of calcium in your body. Avoid intake of a dairy product. May metabolic disorder can cause increase amount of calcium oxalate in the body, in such cases avoid certain supplements and medication like Topamax

2. Avoid high protein diet

Here is a type of kidney stone which is formed by the excessive amount of uric acid deposition, uric acid id the by-product of protein digestion, so if your pushing out your muscles hard at the gym and has been asked by the trainer to take protein bars and supplements, wait for a moment and let yourself fully investigated. This is usually associated with other body complaints like painful joints or gout.

3. Do not take oxalate-rich food

Few food items like chocolates, tomato, and coffee are rich in a chemical compound known as oxalate, excessive presence of this in the blood causes deposition in kidney and along with calcium form calcium oxalate stones.

4. Protect from infection

A repetitive urinary tract infection also predisposes you to kidney stone formation, struvite stones are formed due to chemical substance released in the healing process in response to infection in the track. This type of stone is difficult to diagnose.

5. Remain hydrated

As we can see that all the stones formed are from the substances that area secondary by-product of the main nutrient from our diet be it calcium and protein, whenever our water intake is less our urine becomes more concentrated and flushing out of these compounded does not takes place. So it is advised that if you want to avoid kidney stones and urinary infection ordesire for healthy functioning of the urinary tract, rough intake of 8 to 12 or 3 to 5 l of water is advised.

6. Take as  much Vitamin C as much as required

In various studies, it was found that intake of vitamin c causes kidney stones may be due to the production of oxalate during its disintegration.

7. Watch out your sodium

A low sodium diet is advised in patients who areat the risk of developing kidney stone if you are prone to stones than according to current guidelines of medical association your daily sodium intake should be somewhere around 2000 to 2,300 mg not more than that. If you have suffered from kidney stones in the past then this quantity should be further reduced to 1500 mg. This will helps in your blood pressure also; you can go for low sodium salt in your daily cooking.

Food items unless taken in very high quantity does not form or trigger kidney stone, in contribution to a condition where they are either taken in large quantity or metabolic disorders where the absorption of these chemicals is altered, the formation of kidney stones occur.

Along with taking care of these above-mentioned points, thorough care and repeated timely investigation can very well avoid kidney stone formation.

This article is just for informational purpose for better medical assistance you should consider a good urologist. Whether you live in karolbagh, rohini, just for the best urologist nearby and consult him or her.

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About the Author: admin

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