Understanding Colic in Infants: Proven Methods for Relief and Treatment

Understanding Colic in Infants: Proven Methods for Relief and Treatment

treatment of colic in infants

Colic troubles many newborns. It shows up as long and loud crying that can be tricky to calm.  Colic usually sets in when babies are two weeks old and may persist until four months. The colic doesn’t harm the baby, but most often leaves both babies and parents disturbed. In this article, we are going to talk about its causes, how to diagnose it, and some attempts to soothe your baby. Later, we will look closer at how chiro for newborns, and visiting a chiropractor here in KL, can help.

What is Colic?

Colic simply means a baby cries without any apparent reason. Babies with colic usually cry for over three hours every day. This usually occurs at the same time of day, usually late in the afternoon or evening. It usually appears that the baby has some pain, though the cause of this colic is still largely unknown by physicians. It is colic when the baby cries more than three hours a day, for at least three days a week, for over three weeks.

Signs and Symptoms of Colic

Recognizing colic can help you bring relief. Here are some signs to watch for:

  • Crying that lasts more than three hours
  • Crying that happens every day at the same time
  • Loud and high-pitched cries
  • Red face during the crying
  • Stiff arms and legs
  • Trouble calming down
  • Bloated or tight belly

These signs might make you worry, but remember, colic doesn’t hurt the baby. Additionally, the key is finding ways to comfort them.

Causes of Colic

It’s not known exactly what causes colic, but here are a few ideas from physicians: 

Digestive Trouble: Babies’ tummies are so small, and their digestive systems are still learning how to work out milk or formula. This can cause pain and gas.

Gas Build-up: Babies swallow a lot of air while sucking up milk, which ends up inside the tummy, making them full and uncomfortable.

Feeding Issue: Over- and underfeeding can irritate the infant’s stomach, hence making him or her cry. 

Food sensitivity: It may be due to some proteins present in formula milk or even in breast milk, by which most babies take more time to cry. 

A developing brain: A baby’s brain is still in the development stage and learning various emotions, which causes crying spells.

Proven Ways to Help With Colic

There isn’t a single treatment of colic in infants, but there are plenty of things you can do to soothe your baby. Here are some proven ways to help ease colic:

1. Swaddling

Swaddling involves wrapping your baby snugly in a blanket. This makes them feel safe and warm, just like when they were in the womb. In addition, swaddling can help calm their cries and stop them from startling themselves awake.

2. Gentle Rocking or Movement

Babies love gentle movement. Rocking them in your arms or using a baby swing can calm them down. Wearing your baby in a soft carrier and walking around may also help them stop crying. The rhythm of movement makes babies feel more at ease.

3. White Noise

White noise or soft sounds like a fan, can help babies relax. It reminds them of the soft sounds they heard in the womb. Therefore, try playing some white noise or gentle music to help your baby sleep peacefully.

4. Offer a Pacifier

Some babies find comfort in sucking. Offering a pacifier can calm them down and help distract them from any discomfort they feel. If your baby enjoys using a pacifier, it can be a great tool to reduce their crying.

5. Burping Often

Gas can get trapped in your baby’s tummy and make them fussy. Burping your baby during and after feeding helps release this gas and reduces discomfort. Don’t wait for the crying to start—try burping your baby often to keep them comfortable.

6. Chiro for Newborns

Others seek chiropractic care to help alleviate colic symptoms. A chiro for newborns performs soft manipulations on a baby’s spine, which may affect digestion and improve colic symptoms. Many believe that colic can result from misalignment in the spine, which this gentle chiropractic care might help cure. If you wish to learn more, visit a chiropractor in KL.

7. Keep the Baby Upright After Feeding

Keeping your baby upright after feeding prevents the milk or formula from bothering their tummy. Holding them upwards for 30 minutes will help with gas and digestion to ease their discomfort.

8. Probiotic Supplements

The probiotic can give a balance to the bacteria in your baby’s stomach and make his digestion smooth. Lactobacillus reuteri probiotics, according to studies, could soothe colic. However, consult your doctor before giving it to your baby, just in case.

9. Gentle Tummy Massage

A gentle massage on your baby’s belly can help release gas and reduce colic symptoms. Using baby oil or lotion, rub the tummy in small, gentle circles to help your baby feel better. In addition, this simple massage can also relax the baby and make them calmer.

10. Mom’s Diet Adjustments

If you are breastfeeding, what you eat can sometimes upset your baby’s tummy. Some babies react to foods like dairy or spicy meals. Try cutting these out to see if it helps. Moreover, keeping track of what you eat and how your baby reacts can help you find what bothers them.

11. Chiropractor KL

If you live in KL, a chiropractor can help your baby. Chiropractors in KL specialize in gentle treatments that help babies with colic. These treatments improve how the baby’s body works, reducing colic symptoms. Additionally, many parents say their babies cry less after a visit to a chiropractor in KL.

When to See a Doctor

Sometimes, even with all these efforts, colic doesn’t get better. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to see a doctor:

  • The crying gets worse or doesn’t stop after four months
  • Therefore, your baby isn’t growing or gaining weight
  • In addition, your baby has a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting
  • Your baby looks sick with a rash or trouble breathing

Doctors can check your baby for other issues and help find more ways for treat colic in infants.

How Parents Can Stay Calm

Caring for a baby with colic can be challenging. Taking care of yourself is also important. So, here are some tips for remaining calm during your baby’s colic: 

  • Take Breaks: Let someone else watch the baby for a little time so you can rest. 
  • Talking To Other Parents: Chances are, other parents have experienced this too. In addition, they may be able to pass on helpful ideas or just listen.
  • Keep calm: Babies can pick up on your stress, and if you keep calm, that helps your baby’s settling down process much more easily.

The End Note

Finally, colic can be hard on both babies and parents, but the good news is that it will go away. Many methods can help soothe your baby, like swaddling, white noise, and visiting a chiropractor in KL. Keep trying different things to find what works best for your baby. Eventually, your baby will outgrow colic, and things will get easier. So, remember to take care of yourself and ask for help when needed—you’re doing a great job!


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About the Author: Medium Spot

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