Top 5 Salicylic Acid Benefits for Your Skin | Mediumspot

Top 5 Salicylic Acid Benefits for Your Skin

derma essentia salicylic acid face wash

Acids! It sounds harsh and daunting when it comes to skincare. Will it burn off skin? Are they harmful? Are they the miracle ingredients that will clear your skin?

With improvements in formulations and technology, skincare brands have considered the benefits of acids to make the skin more clear and effective. Acids can be suitable for your skin if we know how to use them. There are a plethora of skin care acids in various skin care products. Lactic acids, alpha hydroxy acids, hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid and the list goes on… It is tricky enough to distinguish between the right acids and those that need to be avoided.

Salicylic acid (SA) is one such ingredient that has become a staple in most effective skin care regimens and a popular skin care marvel.

It has been regarded as a multitasking wonder with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and exfoliating properties but the hype surrounding the skincare wonder has yet to fade and for a good reason.

Below are all the ins and outs of salicylic acid including what it is, how it works, and how it should be used in your skincare routine. Whether you are seeking treatment for a new onslaught of blemishes or a way to revitalise your daily skin care routine to rediscover your radiant glow or your approach to regain control of your complexion, salicylic acid might be able to help- here how.

What is salicylic acid?

Salicylic acid often referred as a beta hydroxy acid (BHA), is a naturally occurring plant-based hormone produced as a defence mechanism against environmental or pathogenic stress. It can be synthesised from the bark of willow trees, often termed as willow bark extract, you might have seen on many cosmetic formulations.

It can also be found in natural foods such as green peppers, olives, mushrooms, tomatoes, chicory and radishes. Concerning skin care treatment, it is typically sourced and synthesised as a liquid substance.

How salicylic acid works?

Salicylic acid is a highly keratolytic and comedolytic agent that helps to remove dead skin cells and to improve the natural exfoliation process. It gets into deeper layers of skin and breaks up cells from the epidermis. The epidermis contains cells which stick in the inner lining of pores, and when these pores become clogged with oil, dirt or dead skin debris, it can lead to blemishes such as pesky whiteheads and blackheads. The oil-soluble quality of salicylic acid allows it to reach deeply into sebum filled affected area. It loosens pores, removes impurities, and allows oil to flow more freely.

What are the benefits of salicylic acid?

Salicylic acid products can make a significant difference in your complexion appearance. Products containing this ingredient may help to make your skin tight, smooth, firm and bright specially if your have oily skin.

Below are some top scientifically backed benefits of salicylic acid:

Treats acne and also prevents comedones

The anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and keratolytic activities of salicylic acid make it a popular ingredient for battling oily and acne prone skin. It is oil soluble allowing it to penetrate pores and dissolve clogged pores. It prevents comedones from forming by loosening the particles therein.

Multiple clinical trials have studied the efficacy of salicylic acid showing that using salicylic acid significantly reduces the non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne lesions with minimal irritation and negligible changes in skin hydration, pH, and transepidermal water loss. Some clinical trials have also established greater efficacy of salicylic acid over benzoyl peroxide.

Exfoliates dead skin cells

Salicylic acid face wash as an exfoliant softens and dissolves keratin, an essential protein that helps to form the structure of the skin. Dead skin cells are easy to slough off after keratin has broken apart. Exfoliation reveals healthy and younger skin cells. Salicylic acid also reduces fine lines and wrinkles by promoting synthesis of collagen.

Provides sun protection and anti-aging benefits

We all know that sun protection is the most critical defence against premature ageing. Salicylic acid has been shown to protect against sun damage and also inhibits the UVB-induced sunburn cell formation. It also reduces wrinkles and skin roughness without irritation.

Reduces inflammation

Acne breakouts can cause redness and swelling on the skin. Salicylic acid exhibited anti-inflammatory properties and known to reduce swollen, red and inflamed pores by generating a soothing effect, thereby resulting in a balanced skin tone.

Protects against hyperpigmentation

Salicylic acid is also a pigmentation fighter because of its exfoliating effect and ability to inhibit melanin formation with low risk of irritation. Clinical studies indicate that use of 20-30% salicylic acid peels was effective against post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and melasma.

Salicylic acid in your daily skin care regimen:

Salicylic acid is an ingredient used as acne solution in a variety of products including facial cleansers, moisturisers, cream, medicated pads and concentrated serums. It is essential to introduce it slowly and to use it once or twice weekly. The use can be increased week after week until any irritation slows itself.

Its normal to experience dry skin, peeling, stinging and reddening on first few uses but these side effects lessen over time as skin gets used to it. Individuals with sensitive skin may choose to begin salicylic acid at a lower concentration before working their maximum level of 2%. It is best to limit your salicylic acid usage to a single product to reduce the likelihood of skin irritation. It’s always the best idea to discuss adding salicylic acid to your daily skin care regimen with your dermatologist or skin care professional.


The use of Salicylic Acid is indeed a skincare wonder as acne medications, tackling a multitude of complexions concerns while being a powerful exfoliator and all without the need for any vigorous scrubbing. So, if you have oily, combo or acne-prone skin, harness the power of salicylic acid for your skin woes and vanish blackheads, fade dark spots, banish pimples, soothe your skin and benefit from a clear complexion.

Meta Title: Top 5 Salicylic Acid benefits for your skin

Meta Description: Acids! It sounds harsh and daunting when it comes to skincare, but salicylic acid is a wonder ingredient that appears in all skincare products and is a key to clear, radiant & youthful skin. Read on to learn the ins and outs of salicylic acid: what it is, how it works  & how it benefits your skin.

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