Recent Changes in Lifestyle Brought About By Technologies | Mediumspot

Recent Changes in Lifestyle Brought About By Technologies

TV technician in Mumbai

Just imagine the situation, if technology has not changed from the earlier times. Your ancestors will be living like cavemen, eating raw meat. Just imagine the moment fire was discovered. It will be a thrilling moment when the ancient men found that fire can be used for roasting meat. The next discovery of wheel must have come in another thousand years. In recent times, you have artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrency. In this article let us focus on the recent technologies in present times.


This one factor and word has revolutionized the entire globe and the human race. After all, you (human) are superior to other living beings only by technology. Scientists have designed great tools with the minimum use of resources.

1. Communication

Six decades ago, you have to wait for a letter from your loved one in a foreign country. If you need to speak to the person, it is mandatory to make an international call. The same goes for a relative who is staying in another State. You will have to make an STD call.

Now imagine the same situation. You can talk to any person in your country. You just have to pick up the mobile and then do the job. The same goes even for an international location. So communication technology has really improved in recent times.

A. Call by Skype/Whatsapp

If you want to do video calling, it is easy. You just have to log in to Skype and Whatsapp and then do the call.

B. Internet Communication

In 2019, if there is a new technology you have to watch out for, it is 5G. Future technologies such as the Internet of Things, drones, driverless vehicles, and even supercomputers will be possible only with this new technology.

Compared to the speed of 4G, the new 5G will have ten times more speed. With this technology, people in remote areas can hope to get medical treatment faster in times of extreme situations.

C. Social Media Platforms

Imagine if you had missed a relative’s wedding five decades ago. After a month, when you go to their home, you will see the photographs in the wedding album.

D. Recent Times

Social media platforms are the order of the day, and it has become a trend to take selfies at any wedding. So if you have missed a wedding, you can check the groom’s and bride’s Facebook or Instagram accounts to get the recent photos. Or there is another option. They could have arranged for virtual video transmission to be done to a mobile or computer in any part of the world. So much for the changes in technology.

2. E-Commerce

Gone were the days, when, for a wedding, the entire family used to go to brick and mortar stores to do the shopping. In recent times, shopping online has become the order of the day. You can go to any reputed e-commerce website and then complete your shopping. You do not have to even move from your present location.

3. Payment of Bills

Two decades ago, you used to stand in queues in Government offices to pay electricity bills. Now there is no such need. You just have to download the app and then do the payment online. The job is so easy.

4. Automobiles

Seven decades ago, in India, LML Vespa was the undisputed two wheeler model for middle-income families. Now with credit cards, EMIs, even a teenager has a bike of his/her own choice. And five decades ago, only James Bond could make his BMW car come to his present location by a watch. In some time (five years), the same technology will be available to the public.

The reason, driverless cars may become common in India. With start-ups such as Fisheyebox, working on autonomous driving technology, the dream may come true. The other corporate giants that have invested billions in the same technology are Google and Tesla.

E. Bikes

You have heard about smart watches, smart electronic appliances but have you heard about smart helmets for motorbikes? Please find the information. In these helmets, you have speakers and features with noise control technology. You can answer calls and even chat with riders through the intercom. Many models give a 360-degree view to the rider. Interested? Check for the smart helmet models from Sena, Cross Helmet, Skully, Quintessential Design, Livemap, and NuViz.

F. Artificial Intelligence,  Machine Learning, Home Automation

Hardly one decade ago, any electronic appliances used to just used for replacement for manual work. For example, the washing machine was used for cleaning clothes, fridge for keeping the food from becoming spoilt and so on. But at present, the same home appliances have moved on to become part of Interior decor. And they have become smart. By making use of Artificial intelligence, Machine learning and Internet of Things, you can make these appliances do the job by a text message or via voice commands.

For example, you can command the washing machine to stop amidst the washing activity. Or you can modify its settings to send a message to your mobile if the wash process is over. These are the new home electronic appliances.


And another important change has happened in the home improvement industry. A decade ago, when a home appliance got repaired, you needed the help of referrals to get qualified professionals to fix the problem (if it was without warranty). Then, you had to call the technician and wait for his arrival at your home. But now, the entire concept of home repair for electronic appliances has changed. For example, let us imagine you have a TV set which needs maintenance. Being a Mumbai resident and as the head of an urban family, you need to set right the device as soon as possible. In a similar situation, the best method is to download the app of the home services company which has the best TV technician in Mumbai in its payrolls. You can search for the best profiles of TV technicians near your home, and then book the service as per your own convenience. Please note, that the home improvement company in Mumbai will check every technician in their customer care team for their credentials and qualifications. So, the technician will come to your home and fix the problem.

In the olden times, you need to make calls to get referrals. Then you have to call the technicians and speak about the price and the problem. Chances are that the technician will never pick the call. In such cases, you will waste time. In the present day, many individuals in urban cities follow the method given in the above paragraph.

These are some recent changes in lifestyle brought about by technologies. Did you like the article? If yes, then put a comment in the Reviews section.

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