Physiotherapy for Slip Disc | Mediumspot

Physiotherapy for Slip Disc

physiotherapy for slip disc

Have your doctor diagnosed you with a slipped disk? It is undoubtedly a painful situation where you can’t move your back correctly and cannot do routine tasks with the same efficiency and zeal as you once used to be. In such a situation, you need physiotherapy for slip disc.

With this treatment, you can get back to normal life and execute all your daily tasks in the same way you used to do when you weren’t having the slip disc issue.

Let’s discuss some of the essential things about slip disc, including what it is and how it is caused. This will help you understand the impact the physiotherapy for slip disc can bring in.

What is a slip disc situation?

Slip disc is a condition where a disc in your vertebrae slips out of its normal position to come in contact with the nerves or spinal cord.

What is a disc made of?

A slipped disc is made of connective tissues. The outer part is a harder one to protect the inner soft jelly-like substance. The purpose of these discs is to counter shocks and to provide agility to the body.

What causes slip disc?

Any rupture in the outer layer of the disc can damage the overall shape of the connective tissues. The muscular layer of connective tissue is no longer available to keep the gel part inside its designated space. The result is the displacement of cells in the spinal cord area. This is when your nerves pick up the pain sensation, and due to the disc’s movement, you can’t move properly.

The disc’s movement from its place can be the result of your posture or movement, along with external factors like accidents. The chances of getting the slip disc issue are more prominent in men as compared to women. Similarly, people of ages 30-50 are more likely to suffer from this problem. This is because with time, the hydration level of the disc is reduced significantly, so the flexibility, which had previously been the part of your life, is lost. But by the time you realize it, you suffer from the problems in the disc.

What is the treatment of slip disc?

Physiotherapy for slip disc is the recommended solution for this problem. However, you’ll also need medication to keep the pain levels under control and keep your nerves from damaging further. Usually, the doctors provide physiotherapy options to get back to your routine and feel lower pain in your body.

Which activities are part of physiotherapy for slip disc?

If you have been recommended to get to physiotherapy for slip disc by a doctor, then the physiotherapist would usually analyze your condition before recommending you the best set of exercises to help you in the particular situation.

Some of the general exercises that are part of physiotherapy treatment for slip disc include cycling, hydrotherapy, and cardiovascular massages.

Generally, there are four phases that a physiotherapist might want you to take you through for the proper and detailed treatment. These include:

Core stability phase

In this phase, strength to the lower body muscles is provided, with the core, abdominal cavity, pelvic floor, spine, and hip muscles are included. The exercises used in this phase are to ensure that all these core muscles are strengthened and can handle the movements better. Besides, these exercises can reduce the pain and improve the posture as well.

Soft tissue treatment:

In this treatment, the main aim is to identify any problem caused to any of the soft tissue and the way it is impeding your regular movement and performance. Ligaments, muscles, and tendons are usually part of the analysis.

Trigger point massage usually helps relieve your back from the intense pain you could be facing as a result of the disc movement. Similarly, myofascial release another way to treat the soft tissues.


It is one of the critical aspects of typical physiotherapy treatment. It reduces the tension between the muscles, improves the blood flow, and ensures better recovery of the damaged part.

So, even in the case of physiotherapy for slip disc, massage can help relieve the stress in your muscle and help you get through the immense amount of pain you could be facing because of this issue.

Posture realignment:

This is another phase helpful in physiotherapy. Once you have your treatment and feel better, you cannot get back to the old wrong postures that led you to such a problem. You need to improve the way you sit and do your daily tasks. Training your body for the right procedure would take some time and your regular effort to understand the new way. With regular implementation, you’ll be in a position to recover soon and stay healthy even after the treatment is over, which is the ultimate goal.


Physiotherapy for slip disc is a gradual procedure that can help you relieve pain, fix your back, and get back to your old routine; you must consult the best physiotherapist in Singapore if you are suffering from slip disc anther such issues.

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