Lack of hair, lack of hair growth, changes in hormones, lack of correct diet or excessive use of hair products None of these can be the reason for your hair loss.
Onion Juice Contains Sulfur Content. This helps in the growth of hair while increasing the production of collagen present in the tissue. So put juice at 10 to 15 minutes on the scalp. Wash the hair with mild shampoo after half an hour.
Apply Aloe Vera Massage To Hair. Take two teaspoons aloe vera juice once a week. You can also make juice from Fresh Aloe vera pulp. Massage hair and scalp and wash it after half an hour.
Massage the Hair with Olive Oil. Blood massage from the oil masses in the right way and ends the stomach with hair roots. It strengthens the hair, which reduces the rupture of them. Massage of Bhringraj oil also removes baldness and enhances hair.
The Egg Helps A Lot in Growing Hair. If you do not like egg smell then mix it with curd and put it in the hair. For this, mix the white part of an egg in two teaspoons curd and apply it on the hair.
Eat Nutritious food: Nutritious food works to protect you from many problems. It is necessary to tell here that there is a shortage of nutritious elements in junk food, canned food, oily food and so on. Therefore, eating them does not give your body the right amount of iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin C and protein etc. These are very important for hair growth. Therefore, eat green vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, milk and eggs to meet the shortage of nutritious food.
Drink More Water: Your skin, hair, blood, sperm, they all require water to be healthy and to do their work efficiently. When you drink water you soak your cells and senses in one way. With this improving your blood circulation, the power to stop any disease arises. The roots of your hair are also strengthened. Leaves the toxic element from the liver and under the many surfaces of your skin. Water also produces a new glow in your hair, and keeps them healthy and strong.
Fenugreek (Methi): To stop hair loss, grind some teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in one cup of water. Put this mixture in your hair and wash the hair after running minutes after plain water. You will see its effect in about a month.
Henna (Mehandi): Grind henna leaves and mix it with curd and an egg and apply it in the hair. Leave it for 30 minutes and after that wash it with water. The effect of this prescription takes place within 15 days.
Coconut oil: Coconut oil is considered to be the best for hair. For this add a little bit of gooseberry oil in about 20 ml of coconut oil, mix two teaspoon lemon juice and then massage it with the head and leave it for a while. After this wash the head with a good shampoo. Do this at least 4 times a week. This will gradually end the problem of hair loss.