Here’s Anything and Everything You Need to Know About Changing Passwords! | Mediumspot

Here’s Anything and Everything You Need to Know About Changing Passwords!

How to change the default password

Cybercrime is on ever-increasing and the hackers are the main reason behind this. Hacking has become really popular these days and there are tons of places that offer ethical hacking as a course. But this is not the same as unethical hacking. Hackers are becoming more and more efficient and it is becoming really hard to keep them from breaking into different networks. They break into wireless networks all the time. But if you haven’t changed you WI-FI password even once then all they have to do is look up your default password and login.

Default admin passwords are available in the support section of the manufacturer’s website. So all the hackers have to do is download the content and log into your wireless network. Almost everyone just set up their router without changing the admin password. But they should most definitely do this otherwise your network can be a risk.

How to change the default password ?

The first thing you need to do is check the manual that came with your router as not all models have the same directions. You also need to follow all the safety precautions mentioned in the manual.

The steps that are mentioned in the manual are easy to follow. It will wipe out the router’s configuration settings and they will be reset to their default settings. You will also have to change the SSID, encryption settings and password after the first step.

1.     You have to press and hold the reset button

On the back of your router, there is a reset button which you need to press and hold for 30 seconds. But this will depend on the router’s brand. If you hold it for less than 30 seconds then it will just reset the router. In some routers, a pin or thumbtack may be needed If the button is inside the router.

2.     Connecting your computer to one of the Ethernet ports

To access the router’s configuration settings, you have to log into a browser-accessible administrator page which is provided by most routers. If your router doesn’t offer any such page then you can use an Ethernet cable to connect to the router but do not connect it to the ports which say internet or WAN.

3.     The IP address of your router’s administrative interface has to be entered in the browser’s address bar

A non routable internal IP address is present in almost all the routers. This can only be accessed from within the network and only then will it connect to the router directly. If you want to know the exact address then looks it up on the internet. There are many sites where you can find the IP address.

4.     You have to enter the default administrator password and the default administrator login name

The default admin login and password can be found on the sticker which is located at the bottom of your router. You can also access the manufacturer’s website for this. Many times the password and login name is blank hence changing the password and login name are important.

5.     Changing the router’s admin password

Usually, the instructions vary from router to router. Although generally, everything is in the security settings page. Once you get there, you will be able to change the password. But make sure that you enter a strong password as this will make it harder for the hackers to breach in.

Keep in mind that the router’s administrative password is different than the password which is used to access the WI-FI and please do no use the same password twice. You can also upgrade your firewall and install an additional firewall which will give you double protection from hackers. Limiting the radius of your wifi is also a great way to minimize hacking risks and this will also help to keep out freeloaders. As the name suggests, the freeloaders are people who use your network without your permission.

Now you might think that this isn’t a problem but when you will see the bill at the end of the month then you will realize that this is a serious problem. They can also access illegal websites and if something happens you will be in trouble as everything is being done from your network. So be safe and follow these steps to secure your connection. And if you are still having issues then contact the customer service and they will help you out with everything. They will guide you through everything.

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About the Author: admin

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