Hair Removal Made Easy for the Busy New Yorker | Mediumspot

Hair Removal Made Easy for the Busy New Yorker

laser hair removal in New York

The average New Yorker has no time to spare for time-consuming hair removal techniques like waxing.  With laser hair removal NYC, today’s New Yorker can now easily get rid of unwanted hair on the face or elsewhere on the body, with no fuss or mess.  It’s no wonder then, that laser hair removal is the rage in the Big Apple.

Laser Hair Removal: What you Need to Know

With many myths surrounding the safety of laser hair removal in NY, it is important to know the facts about this revolutionary hair removal technique.  For one, laser hair treatment does not use any chemicals, which can get into your bloodstream or affect your lymph nodes.  Secondly, laser treatments do not subject you to radiation; FDA-approved hair removal systems do not emit radiation, so there is no risk of cancer as a result of laser hair removal.  For long-term hair removal, there is nothing as effective as laser hair removal.  These days, more and more men are turning to laser hair removal in New York for beard shaping and to reduce hair on chest and back.

How Laser Treatment Works

Laser treatment involves directing a highly focused laser beam of light over the skin, targeting the hair follicles, and heating them to the point of destruction of the follicle, thus inhibiting the growth of hair from the follicle.  The process is entirely safe and generally painless, the laser selectively targeting the hair follicle without having any effect on the skin.  Since hair grows in cycles, this means that only some hairs are growing at any given point of time.  Since laser hair removal can only target actively growing hair, a person will require between six to eight sessions in order to get rid of all the hair in a particular area.  The sessions are usually spaced four weeks apart, and one can expect between 75 to 90% hair reduction at the end. 

Preparing for Your Session

The best hair removal in NYC might recommend that you shave the areas to be treated the day before the session.  The purpose is so that the laser’s energy is not wasted on the surface hair, but rather absorbed by the follicle.  After each session, it is best to avoid exposure to the sun, as New York laser hair removal does not completely go with the summer.  Depending on the laser used, you will need to wear appropriate eye protection.For a day or two after the session, the treated area might look like it has been sunburned, but the condition usually goes away and can be helped by the use of moisturizers.

Frequent hair removal techniques like shaving, plucking, waxing and sugaring are time-consuming, painful and messy procedures, offering temporary results, some for as little as a few hours.  With laser hair removal, there is now a better way to smooth, hair-free skin.  Make an appointment with the best laser hair removal in New York, and see the difference.

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About the Author: admin

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