Enjoy Your Experience with Your Pet Dog | Mediumspot

Enjoy Your Experience with Your Pet Dog

puppy obedience training

It is very common for people to keep pets at home. This is something that humans have been doing from time immemorial. There are many kinds of pets that people keep with themselves. Today the variety of pets has increased much. People have started to keep exotic species of animals with them as pets. However, all of them may not be within the legal framework to keep them with you. There is always a special relationship between the pet and the animal.

The animal that has enjoyed the position of being a favorite pet for humans for many centuries is the dog. Dogs have been kept as pets from very early days when man started hunting for food. Dogs helped men in finding a game in the early years. Dogs also help men in keeping their cattle and sheep in control. The intelligence of dogs and their loyalty to humans have given them a special place in the hearts of people.

Dogs and Their Relationship with Humans

People buy different kinds of dogs for different purposes. Some people buy them for guarding their homes. Others buy them just to keep them as pets. Dogs are also purchased by people with poor vision to guide them to many places. In the extremely cold Polar Regions, they are also used for transporting men and goods. Whatever be the reasons for buying dogs, they always enjoy a special relationship with humans. They are very good at obeying orders and this is something people value them for. They are also very loyal to their owners.

People keep many other kinds of animals at home for different purposes. There are cattle and sheep which are kept for the purpose of milk. People keep poultry at home for eggs. There are also people who keep camel for transport purposes. But none of these animals qualify as pets. Whatever purpose dogs are used for, they are always considered as pets and allowed close contact with their owners. Most dogs live with the family most of the times.

Why Is Your Experience With Dogs Not As Expected?

Most people don’t buy dogs for any work or special purpose. The maximum number of people buys dogs as a pet. They buy them as a companion. These dogs enjoy status as high as any of the family members. The people who buy the dogs want to enjoy their company. They dream of having many hours of nice experience with the dogs. They think of always having their dogs obey their instructions. They could enjoy playing with the dogs. Most of the people buy dogs with these things in their minds.

But there are many occasions when the owner of the pets is disappointed after a few days. They buy the dogs at a very young age. As the days go by, they feel cheated. They don’t see the dog behaving in the way they want it to. The dogs keep chewing at things in your house. This will damage many things. They keep barking despite the owner not finding any particular reasons. Sometimes they even behave unfriendly to the members of the house. All these drive the owners against the wall.

One must understand that the dog is a wild animal by nature. There are many animals like cattle which are more domesticated. There are hardly any wild types of cattle which people use. But dogs have not yet fully evolved to become fully domesticated. They still exhibit their wild side. They are not domesticated. Dogs are tamed. They must be made to behave well. They must be made to obey your instructions. This doesn’t come naturally to them. They are not docile animals.

When most people buy dogs, they are not advised properly by the people who sell them. Dogs are sold at a very young age. Many a time people who buy them don’t know under what conditions they were kept or whether they came from a good breed. The sellers of the dogs usually assure the people that dogs are pet animals and don’t require any training. This is why people don’t train their dogs. When the dogs grow up they tend to behave in their natural ways.

Training the Dogs at the Right Place

Contrary to what many people might tell you, you cannot train the dogs yourself. You must take the dogs to a training center where professional trainers will do the job perfectly. There are certain methods of training that must be used in order to get the dog to behave in the way you want them to behave in your homes. If you want them to be friendly and at the same time obedient you must give them the puppy obedience training at a good center for dog training. You must be very careful about choosing the training centers.

There are many training centers which use punishment and fear to make them obey. These methods are harmful to dogs. They will not remain obedient for long if they are trained in these methods. It is bound to give the opposite results. Some training centers use methods like electrocuting or choking the dog to make them obey. In some other places, harsh punishments are given for making them obey. These are the wrong methods for training the dog.

You must send your dogs to a place where they will give the training with love. The trainers must know the scientific methods of training the dog. The dog obedience classes in these training centers use very harmless methods to train your dogs. They will return you a pet that is very obedient and also a pleasure to spend time with.

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About the Author: admin

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