Comedy an Essential Part of Entertainment | Mediumspot

Comedy an Essential Part of Entertainment

Comedy is more than just a pleasant way to pass the evening. Although many of us like comedy a lot, it feels odd to ask a basic question about its purpose. ‘What is comedy for sounds like a leaden inquiry directly opposed to the spirit of humor? but in reality it is something to burst out our anxiety when we are so stressed and unable to understand what to do always prefer to watch comedy shows actually when we laugh we forgot our problems for some time, that moment gives us happiness .we feel that comedy is one of the things that help us cope with the difficulties of living. Even scientists say comedy is the best stress buster. We can think more creatively when we are in the funny mood like sometimes problems appear drastic when we are in the serious mood but if we look at it in the jolly mood it seems a little bit easier. Isn’t that? Try it once.

Previously, certain countries had an elaborate carnival season devoted to enforced comic activities. For a brief time the weak could boss around the powerful, serious people needed to get drunk and throw bags of flour over each other’s heads. Humor was not just left to those who felt so inclined: it was a kind of duty. In today’s world we can see there are lots of shows running on TV related to comedy and they are getting more and more publicity and likes of audience in our daily life people are getting more indulged in office work or business and other work so they become frustrated and want some relax that infuses enthusiasm and makes them energetic and refreshing, so they prefer to watch comedy shows free from melodrama, hippocrasy, gossips etc. Comedy is not an easy task to do people used to think what the big deal to make laugh is but not a duck takes to water, you should be perfect in making jokes having the ability to make people laugh, it needs a lot of efforts, hard work.

There are perhaps some key ways that comedy offers us therapeutic help.

1) Comedy as therapy for despair 

A comic attitude doesn’t deny misery, but it has a very different relationship with it. Black humour is infused with a mood of defiance .one is going to laugh at, rather than buckle in front of, the miseries o existence. In The Life of Brain, the closing song brazenly states the worst about existence: life is a piece of shit when you look at it ‘. But despite making us more aware of our feelings of sorrow, the mood is mocking; there is a refusal of gloomy: ‘always look on the bright side of life. Purse your lips and give a whistle’.

2) Comedy as therapy of humiliation

Life is filled with things which endangered our dignity .we get humiliated by anyone who says absurdly about us but if we are enough to tackle those things patiently it will be very easy for us to survive, just take an example of children television series Peppa Pig, the father the daddy pig is always doing things that could be seen as absurd, humiliating or embarrassing. He can come across as lazy. It would be very easy to make a negative assessment of his character. That’s kind of thing we tend to do for ourselves and other people: we regularly rehearse the case for the prosecution. But for others could just be seen as idiots into lovable things.

3) Comedy as Therapy of self-disgust

It can be pretty hard to live with ourselves; we generally remained so disturbed about our failure, what we want to be in life and what we are these things always distress us, so often we feel lonely with our flaws, failings and rather sordid ways. In this standup comedy or confessional comedy works by someone standing on stage and admitting in public that they have all kinds of faults which we normally feel embarrassed. We laugh with relief, as the pent-up anxiety is safely discharged.

So comedy is waiting to be reframed as a central tool behind the creation of a better world.

Author Bio: This is Supriya Srivastava, Blogger and Writer at bhojpuri gana video and currently writes blogs for nagpuri video song. I have done English Honours at Chandigarh University. Expertise in writing in various categories like Fashion, Bollywood, Hollywood, Health, Fitness, Technology, and Indian Celebrities. I began my blogging journey 4 years ago. Always tries to discover new trends in the world and love to write Blogs.

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