More and more people are suffering from depression, bipolar disorder, insomnia and other mental disorders. The numbers are gaining pace every year. Over two decades, human civilisation has reached a new height of advancement and innovation, making life easy, systematic and evenly organized.
Some people blame their stars; make destiny the scapegoat for all their failures. Happiness and sorrow are the two sides of the same coin. They come and go, the only thing permanent in this world is change. So if you are going through a rough phase, watch it, smooth lane is just round the corner.
Now, here is an irony, some might completely dismiss it as a shibboleth, but the fact is, some people face bad time throughout their lives. The spring of good luck never shower its prosperity and success in their lives. Same life with same results how is it possible?
The solution lies in our belief system, habits and behavior. All three are co-related. Our past experiences gathered through society, television and the internet, friends and family develop our belief system making us feel secure. I call it the comfort zone.
We don’t want to change our personality because somewhere deep inside the heart, we feel the behavior is good for us. Our defence mechanism ensures that we don’t go through same painful situations again, we define our territory. The ultimate goal of all well-being is to quench their thirst and feel satisfied. People might see another person as failure, but he might feel satisfied in his own den.
The person spends his entire life living with the same condition. Satisfaction doesn’t come from money, fame and illustrious career. Satisfaction is a state of mind, when people appreciate your work, tactics and encourage you to perform above your potential. Sometimes satisfaction also refers to a mental state, when you gave your best shot to achieve, surpassing the fear of failure.
Love is the reason behind every action. We want to get loved, feel special all the time, when people don’t love us back for our dedication, commitment and efforts, the problem like depression, Alzheimer, schizophrenia and insomnia occurs. They are the result of our unfulfilled desires.
Our “love back” attitude spoils relationships, affect the professional life taking us far away from contentment. When desires are unfulfilled, we satisfy our cravings either by overeating or indulging in some enjoyable activities. The reason behind all these happenings is our subconscious mind.
It forms the habit, develop behavior pattern and belief system and when anything outside the radar occurs, it causes resistance. NLP has been instrumental in decoding different sectors of the brain and their roles by using latest tools and techniques. Thousands of people have reprogrammed their subconscious mind, re-frame old habits and released old trapped thoughts with the help of NLP training.
According to NLP, competition, superiority and dominance are part of our DNA. When we don’t match the expectations of others, people start to neglect us causing low self-esteem and dented confidence. NLP explains the importance of living within self and explore their talent and skill set without falling prey to competition. “What will people say” restrict our experimental approach, creativity and risk taking ability. I say yes, you can change your fate by reprogramming the subconscious mind. Give yourself new emotions, habits and vision to work towards the goal.
Do you want to change your life? Choose from our wide range of NLP training programs suiting your requirements. We would be obliged to help you out.