Couple Therapy Singapore: How to Know When You Need It

5 Signs You Should Try Couples Therapy Now

Every relationship has a series of happy and challenging periods. Sometimes, minor issues arise that you can overcome in just a few minutes. Other times, one or both partners may face big challenges, like feeling overwhelmed. So when you feel that you don’t get along, never seem to understand each other, or feel you are becoming more and more separated as time goes on, there is a good possibility couples therapy can help. You and your partner can learn how to strengthen your bond, solve ongoing issues, and rebuild trust by talking with a marriage therapist.

When do you seek therapy? Here are five big signs that might tell you it’s time to try couples therapy in Singapore.

couple therapy

1. Communication Has Broken Down

Good communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. However, whenever communication starts to fail, it usually leads to a number of misunderstandings and frustrations.

  • Misunderstandings Often Occur: Have you ever experienced your partner failing to understand you? Easily, miscommunication leads to distance and hurt feelings. Talking with a marriage therapist can help you find ways to be clearer and more open with each other.
  • Arguments Over Petty Matters: Do petty matters turn into big wars? If you get into arguments over insignificant matters most of the time, then that would point toward a requirement for better communication.
  • Avoiding Important Topics: If you avoid talking to each other about certain issues either of you is apprehensive that your partner may blow it up into a fight, therapy will enable the couple to discuss issues without letting it turn into a war.

Couples therapy teaches you a better way of listening to each other, expressing thoughts accurately, and holding conversations that slowly bring you closer.

2. The Loss of Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy is that feeling of being deeply connected and close to one another. Since that special connection may have faded away, the relationship starts to feel lonely.

  • Lack of Sharing: You find yourself being unable to share the deepest feelings or thoughts of the moment with your partner; emotional intimacy has weakened, and counselling can be helpful for a revival of that emotional attachment.
  • Feeling Unheard or Unsupported: You feel isolated since your partner does not pay attention to your mind’s expressions; therapy sessions can be the place where you vent out your feelings so they can be understood by both partners.
  • Less Tender Feeling: The smallest gestures of kindness-maybe a hug or some caring words sustain the love life. When such moments begin to dwindle, couples can seek therapy and re-entangle themselves to rediscover that tender feeling and warmth that makes their relationship secure and joyful.

3. Argumentative and No Solution

Sometimes, all couples disagree, but if it happens too often and is never solved, then it hurts your relationship.

  • Same Problems, Over and Over: If the same problems keep coming up and never get solved, it means deeper issues need attention. Therapy can help you understand why these issues repeat.
  • Arguments Get Louder: If the fights become loud or even harmful, then both spouses are getting under stress. A marriage therapist in Singapore will help you to keep your arguments calm.
  • Blaming Each Other: If you are still blaming each other and don’t take responsibility for what you do, this will break the trust between the couple even more. Therapy offers a balanced space where one can learn accountability and work as a team.

Therapists can make couples learn how to engage in conflicts in ways that will bring peace and understanding, rather than anger.

4. Loss of Physical Intimacy

Physical closeness is a big part of any relationship. If this is lost, it can mean that deeper issues must be addressed.

  • Losing Interest in Intimacy: If you or your spouse have lost interest in closeness, then therapy can help you understand why you both lost interest in being close.
  • Feeling Awkward with Intimacy: Sometimes, unresolved feelings or stress can make physical closeness uncomfortable. Therapy can be of great help to clear such issues.
  • Forced Intimacy: If it becomes a chore, intimacy has to be an emotionally corrected situation. A therapist can make you enjoy it once again.

Therapy will make both understand what kind of unspoken feelings may be causing this distance and will make you reconnect.

5. Thoughts of Break-up

When thoughts of a breakup start crossing one’s mind, it is a sign that unresolved issues have become too heavy. Though such thoughts are very hard to admit, they usually mean that both partners feel uncertain about their future.

  • Frequent Thoughts of Breaking Up: If either party thinks about breaking up most of the time, something has to change. Couples therapy might be able to help you understand where these feelings come from.
  • Feeling Hopeless about Change: If one or both partners believe that nothing can get any better, a professional marriage therapist in Singapore can introduce new ideas and tools that bring hope back.
  • Imagining Life Without Each Other: If you and your partner have both begun thinking about life apart more frequently, therapy may bring back to you both the reasons that originally made you happy together.

Couples therapy may give you a chance to agree, letting you and your partner know whether or not to continue working on your relationship or to close it and end it.


If you notice these signs, you may have to consider enrolling yourselves in couples therapy in Singapore. Seeking such help is not a statement that your relationship is messed up but demonstrates a serious effort to create a better and stronger bond. In improving communication restoring the flame of romance or dealing with differences. Some tools to get you out of it can be seen in couple therapy. A good relationship takes work, and sometimes professional help is the best support to keep your love alive.

Also Read: Addressing Common Types of Depression with Counselling in Singapore

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About the Author: Medium Spot

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